Modern Languages


Head of Department

Mr J Peden

Subject Teachers

Miss K Coulter
Mrs L Hutton
Mrs J Ferguson
Mrs K McMahon

Mr A Matchett
Mrs C Sterritt
Miss P Wallace


In accordance with the NI curriculum, the Modern Languages department aims to:

  • encourage all pupils to develop their linguistic capabilities to the highest possible standard

  • enable pupils to understand and use at least one modern foreign language for the purposes of practical communication

  • enable learners to travel abroad with confidence, enjoyment interest and advantage

  • create an awareness of vocational opportunities which involve the use of languages, and to encourage the perception of foreign language learning as a means of improving occupational mobility

  • foster positive attitudes to other countries and those who live in them

In meeting the above aims, the teaching of Modern Languages both reflects and reinforces the aims of the school’s curriculum. It combines academic excellence with personal and social development. Regular school trips to target language countries are arranged to consolidate pupils’ experience and enjoyment of the languages studied.

Key Stage 3

The provision of Modern Languages at Regent House is

Year 8


Five periods per week

Year 9 and 10

French and German/Spanish

Four periods each

Currently, the second language studied from Year 9 onwards is allocated on an annual, rotational basis.

Key Stage 4

Pupils study the CCEA GCSE specification for French, German and/or Spanish.

Pupils studying modern languages will:

  • develop an understanding of written and spoken language in a variety of contexts

  • develop the ability to communicate effectively in written and spoken language, using a variety of vocabulary, syntax and structure

  • develop knowledge of the language and language-learning skills

  • develop an awareness and understanding of countries and communities that speak the language

  • recognise that their linguistic knowledge, understanding and skills help them to take their place in a multilingual global society

  • derive enjoyment from language learning

AS and A Level

Courses are available at both AS and A level in French, German and Spanish.

All pupils studying a modern language at AS or A level will attend a weekly conversation class with the relevant language assistant.


To ensure that all our GCSE MFL candidates are able to approach the Listening component of their examination with confidence, we have attached recorded material which they can access easily at home. This facility will enable pupils to listen to a recording as often as they need to in order to answer the questions which accompany each recorded passage. We strongly recommend that they do this frequently in order to increase their familiarity with the sounds, speed, rhythms and vocabulary of their chosen language.

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