Sam Crooks at Euroscola European Parliament Debate

After getting a taste for debating at the EU Mock Parliament at Stormont, Sam Crooks took part in the Rotary Youth Leadership Competition, which led to him representing Ireland at the European Parliament in Strasbourg in early 2017 for the Euroscola event.

Over the course of one day, the young representatives from across the European Union take part in several debates on current political issues that they have, hopefully, researched in advance and these are conducted in English, French and frequently German.

A full report of Sam's trip can be found here - Euroscola 2017

SF Digital

Paul is a vetted Squarespace Expert and a Leader of the Squarespace Circle Community where he tries to inspire and engage a vibrant community of creatives. Paul studied Software Engineering as well as Electronic Engineering at University, and Photography at College, before working in a variety of exciting roles in the creative industry before he founded SF Digital, building trusted products to help Squarespace creatives increase sales, engage visitors and improve user experience for their clients.


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