Pastoral Care

Our Pastoral Team

Heads of School

Senior School

- Miss L Callendar

Middle School

- Mr D Thompson

Junior School

- Mr A Matchett

Heads of Year

Year 8 (Boys): Mr C Armstrong
Year 8 (Girls): Mrs C Sterritt

Year 9 (Boys): Mr N Gamble
Year 9 (Girls): Miss K McNeilly

Year 10 (Boys): Mr G Woodcock
Year 10 (Girls): Miss A benson

Year 11 (Boys): Miss L Semple
Year 11 (Girls): Miss P Wallace

Year 12 (Boys): Mr M Mahood
Year 12 (Girls): Mrs H Armstrong

Year 13 (Boys): Mrs R McMillen
Year 13 (Girls): Miss C Beattie

Year 14 (Boys): Miss D Byrne
Year 14 (Girls): Miss E Green

Our Safe-guarding Team

Mrs Haugh -Pastoral VP

Miss S Ritchie SENCO

Miss S Ritchie

Mr Matchett
Deputy Designated Teacher

Head of Junior School

Miss Linda Callendar Deputy Designated TeacherHead of 6th Form

Miss Linda Callendar
Deputy Designated Teacher

Head of 6th Form

Mrs D Thompson Deputy Designated TeacherHead of Middle School

Mrs D Thompson
Deputy Designated Teacher

Head of Middle School

Mr Carville
Deputy Designated Teacher


Our Vice Principal, Mrs Haugh is the school's Designated child protection / safe-guarding teacher.

Video Gallery

The Pastoral Care programme in Regent supports the academic, social and personal well-being of all our pupils. The videos in our gallery page have been developed by our child protection partners across the UK and provide information on the main threats to children today. The page features over twenty videos, dealing with issues such as child protection, self harm, relationships, cyber-bullying and eating disorders. 

Providing a glimpse of the high quality content available on our Video Gallery page,  this video helps parents and guardians understand how children and young people can be groomed online and what they can do to protect their child in the spaces they inhabit.

Pupil Voice

Pupil Voice is very important to us in Regent House.  The Student Council meets every month to discuss current issues, and plan future improvements and disseminate training to peers.  Please complete the attached application form if you wish to be considered for interview, and submit to Mrs Ferguson or to Mrs Haugh

Useful Publications 

Click on the pictures below to access information booklets developed by our various child protection agencies.

Feel safe at home

Neglect matters

Women’s aid


Pastoral Policies

Our school policies aim to provide staff, pupils, parents and guardians with clear information about the organisation and ethos of Regent House and the standards of behaviour expected by all members of its community. These policies enable us to work together to do the best by those in our care. If you cannot find the policy you are looking for, please contact us.

Pupil Counselling Service

Regent House School has 2 part-time counsellors.  Referral to these can be made by pupils in the school or parents by contacting a member of the pastoral team.